
Apr 23, 20182 min

RecoveryTrek Announces Launch of Faces & Voices of Recovery Data Platform – (RDP)

Updated: Jan 31, 2020

Many have observed the power of a story of personal recovery from substance use disorder, but it can be difficult for organizations to justify funding and partnership opportunities without credible analytics and metrics. The Recovery Data Platform (RDP), a cloud-based software solution developed by Faces and Voices of Recovery and RecoveryTrek, accumulates, processes and generates useful reports that simplify the process for stakeholders.



Recovery Community Organizations, (RCO’s), are not just places where people receive life-changing healing and support, they are virtual beacons of recovery data that can help raise the profile of the organized recovery community and ultimately help more of those in need by demonstrating that over 23 million Americans from all walks of life have found long-term recovery. The Recovery Data Platform (RDP) leverages the power of quantitative and qualitative data stores to identify the specific vital signs and hallmarks of recovery on a systemic, regional or national scale. With more than 400 unique data points, the platform aids Recovery Community Organizations, treatment environments, and other service providers with the tools and assessments needed to effectively implement peer recovery coaching programs. Through the use of robust reporting and scheduling tools, RDP provides any organization better outcome data. This is accomplished with native service management tools known as Recovery Vital Signs (RVS) which can be used by any organization to analyze the recovery of program participants. These vital signs include evidence-based assessment tools which aid in the construction of a qualitative recovery story for each program participant.

Kirk Cizerle, CEO of RecoveryTrek, had this to say about the RDP platform, “It’s no secret. Substance abuse has reached epidemic proportions and is a primary public health concern. In order to address this crisis, government ad business leaders will need reliable data to formulate policy and allocate resources effectively. Faces & Voices of Recovery is the leader and driving force in this critically important mission. We’re proud to serve as a partner and to have the opportunity to work together with FAVOR to develop this groundbreaking solution.”

For more information about RDP please visit or call (202) 737-0690

Faces & Voices of Recovery, (FAVOR), is dedicated to organizing and mobilizing the over 23 million Americans in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs, our families, friends and allies into recovery community organizations and networks, to promote the right and resources to recover through advocacy, education and demonstrating the power and proof of long-term recovery. For more information about Faces & Voices of Recovery please visit:

RecoveryTrek, LLC is committed to providing state-of-the-art; customized software solutions and excellent customer service for organizations and individuals focused on behavioral health and reduction of substance abuse. Since 2011 RecoveryTrek has partnered with a wide variety of professional monitoring programs, treatment centers, non-profit organizations and individuals all with a desire to incorporate the most advanced evidenced-based tools including software, mobile, and laboratory solutions into their treatment protocols. RecoveryTrek’s groundbreaking “Success Management Software” was originally designed for the unique needs of case managers responsible for treatment monitoring of licensed professionals and is a cloud-based system featuring responsive, adaptable customization in a secure environment.


Published by RecoveryTrek on PrWeb - April 11, 2018 -





























